I, like Kim's friend, Christa, lose things. Today I am looking for a letter I wrote just last night. I put it in the envelope, addressed it, and put it on the spot on the table we have designated as our "
OUT" box. I
know it was there this morning, so where is it now? I must have moved it, but
why? Yes, kids, I have tried to think carefully about why I might have moved it and where that place might be. Yes, I have moved a few things to see if it is under anything. So far, nothing. I could just print it off again, but something won't let me do that because I know I will find it right after I do and besides that, I am not a quitter. I just keep looking, using up my day. While I am looking for this letter Alan tells me I have to find my Seminary graduation certificate to send in so I can get a visa to Brazil. What?! I can't find something I had in my hand hours ago. How am I supposed to find something I probably haven't touched since the night I received it 37 years ago? I'm not going to swear, but I might cry. Then I calm myself down and think, "If you were a Seminary graduation certificate, where would you be?" I thought of 3 places to look. Bingo! I found it. It
was in the
third place, but I found it
and the pin that went with it. I'm so excited, I'm thinking about wearing the pin. Now if I can just find that stupid letter.