We've been here for almost 5 months and still don't have the stuff we shipped a few weeks before we left Idaho. We were told it takes longer to get all the paperwork and approvals for shipments to Brazil and to expect some delay, but I was under the impression that 2 months would be the maximum. We have had some updates on the location of our shipment. Our first update came from Lucy. She asked me if I knew our stuff had gone to the Philippines. What?!!!? I hadn't heard a word about it. The office in Sao Paulo had called every so often to say the stuff had left Idaho, or that it was still in the United States waiting for clearance or something, but they us had not called about that. Lucy heard it from a lady that stopped in at Mini Bazaar who had just returned from her mission in the Philippines. That made me worry a little and I called to see if it was really even true. They said it was true but not to worry because they had located in in Manilla and it was on its way to Miami. Great.
About a month ago we heard it was in Brazil. Then we heard Rio de Janeiro. At least it was heading the right way. Then we got a call that it would be here, in Fortaleza, on Mon. November 10th. Yippee!! I waited all day. Nothing. Nothing all week. Two days ago we find out it is here. Yippee again! But wait...it is sitting at the airport and won't be released until someone pays $RS700, about $370.00, in state tariffs or taxes or something. Our state just happens to be one of the few that requires it. *#/@*# &*# Curses! Sao Paulo office tells us that they think we can get around it if we can find a lawyer that knows about such things. Great.
At this point I am wondering just how bad I want my salad spinner anyway. I mean it's really only 4 boxes of stuff and this would give me an excuse to buy some new clothes that might actually be better for the climate here anyway. But then I remember there are some pretty important things in there, like my recipes and family pictures and my sewing machine and Dangit!...............
I want my stuff!