We went with a family that is very good to us, the Cabrals. We had been to their house for dinner on Sunday. They had their Christmas tree up and decorated. I added "and decorated" since there have been some years when I got the tree up, but it took me a few weeks, okay, one year it took me until Christmas Eve, to actually get it decorated. ( It's always those dang lights that cause me grief! )
The Cabrals had the Christmas tablecloth and napkins on the table and Christmas decorations all around. We talked about Christmas music and Christmas traditions and just worked ourselves into a Christmas mood, which, I might add is no easy feat when you have such strong associations of winter weather with Christmas. Anyway, they mentioned that they planned to go to Disney's new version of "A Christmas Carol" for Family Home Evening on Monday night and would we like to come. Alan evaded a direct answer for a few minutes, since he does not like to commit on such matters until he knows if he is going to "feel like it," but the Christmas mood was pretty strong and got the better of him, and we said,"Yes."
It took close to an hour to get to the theater. It's not so far away, but it was a really busy time of night and the traffic was crazy. I was afraid the traffic, especially the crazy motorcyclists and the road-hoggin buses, would cause a deep dip in the Christmas spirit we were in, but we passed a couple of our Elders on the street as we were going, and that brightened the mood again. We honked and waved, and a few minutes later they called us to see what we were doing in their neck of the 'hoods. I sort of felt bad telling them we were going to a movie, but I didn't want to lie, and besides that, we have a different rule book than they do.
The movie was really fun. It was the first time either of us had seen a movie in 3D and we were both pretty impressed. The movie has a lot of "flying through the air" scenes and "chase" scenes and "things jumping out at you" scenes, which were really great in 3D. The 3D falling snow was pretty fun too. I will caution you that it is dark and scary in a lot of the movie and I would not take little kids. I also watched it in Portuguese and didn't understand a lot of it so I don't know about language either, but I doubt they would take too many liberties with this classic Dicken's story. It was a good thing I was familiar with the story or I'm pretty sure I would have been lost. Andrea Bocelli sang a beautiful Christmas song during the credits at the end and it made it worth just sitting there for that part too, even though there wasn't any 3D action going on then. At least I don't think there was. Maybe I took my glasses off and missed it, I don't know.
Rotten Tomatoes only rated it 57% fresh, but I think I would give it a "thumbs up." But of course, I'm in Brazil and everything gets a "thumbs up" here.
It is probably a little early to say Merry Christmas, but Happy Thanksgiving and "God bless us, every one!"
It took close to an hour to get to the theater. It's not so far away, but it was a really busy time of night and the traffic was crazy. I was afraid the traffic, especially the crazy motorcyclists and the road-hoggin buses, would cause a deep dip in the Christmas spirit we were in, but we passed a couple of our Elders on the street as we were going, and that brightened the mood again. We honked and waved, and a few minutes later they called us to see what we were doing in their neck of the 'hoods. I sort of felt bad telling them we were going to a movie, but I didn't want to lie, and besides that, we have a different rule book than they do.
The movie was really fun. It was the first time either of us had seen a movie in 3D and we were both pretty impressed. The movie has a lot of "flying through the air" scenes and "chase" scenes and "things jumping out at you" scenes, which were really great in 3D. The 3D falling snow was pretty fun too. I will caution you that it is dark and scary in a lot of the movie and I would not take little kids. I also watched it in Portuguese and didn't understand a lot of it so I don't know about language either, but I doubt they would take too many liberties with this classic Dicken's story. It was a good thing I was familiar with the story or I'm pretty sure I would have been lost. Andrea Bocelli sang a beautiful Christmas song during the credits at the end and it made it worth just sitting there for that part too, even though there wasn't any 3D action going on then. At least I don't think there was. Maybe I took my glasses off and missed it, I don't know.
Rotten Tomatoes only rated it 57% fresh, but I think I would give it a "thumbs up." But of course, I'm in Brazil and everything gets a "thumbs up" here.
It is probably a little early to say Merry Christmas, but Happy Thanksgiving and "God bless us, every one!"