Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dad's Food Fads

I thought I would acknowledge Father's Day this year by talking about some of  Alan's food fads and favorites.  I honestly can't remember all of them over the years, but I'll just mention a few.

One of the things he has been excited about since we've lived here is access to delicious watermelon at a fairly decent price year-round.  He also had a few food fears, like salmonella, so this picture shows him washing a humongo melon with soap before we cut it and devoured it.
Zorro left his Z and Alan always leaves his fork in the rind, like a flag raised by the conquerer.  It's sort of his signature move, I guess.  

Alan rarely eats "the bowl."  That's what my dad called the ends of the watermelon.  He liked watermelon too and always ate it with a knife, not a fork or a spoon.  Somehow Dad convinced us that the bowl was the coveted piece of the watermelon, second only to "the heart."  It wasn't until I was grown up that I figured out that the bowl really isn't that good.  I guess I got off track a little with that story, but since it is Father's Day, I hope you'll allow that.
 Then there is Alan's famous fudge.  In Idaho, certain types of weather, usually cold or rainy, triggered a "fudge day."  Sunday afternoons were quite often "fudge days" too, especially in the winter.  Even without the cold, we've had quite a few "fudge days" here too, until recently when he got on a health kick. (That is probably using the term, health kick, loosely.)  He hadn't made a batch for a long time, but to celebrate Father's Day, he made some yesterday. The fudge recipe, which Alan has memorized, is one that his dad used to make when he was a kid, so it was fitting for Father's Day. 

This photo captures his two most recent food fads, homemade tomato juice and coconut water.  He boils up a big pot of tomatoes and  blends it; seeds, skin, and all and freezes it.  He just thaws it and drinks it and thinks it's great.  The green things on the counter are the coconuts.   He saws the ends off, puts a hole in it with a scary-looking tool made especially for that, and drains the coconut water into a big glass.  Supposedly agua de coco has a lot of potassium and other health benefits.  I think it is an acquired taste, which I haven't acquired yet.   

 So here is the Father's Day Portrait for 2010; Alan with his a coconut that just gave him 3 cups of coconut water.  (That's a lot for one coconut).  You can see the peeled potatoes on the counter ready to get made into potato soup, another long-time favorite food.  He still has fudge on a plate in the refrigerator. Life is good. 
Who said you can't teach an old Dad new tricks?
Guess who did all these dishes and stacked them to drain so precariously creatively? (Our kids probably won't believe that he did them.)  He never rarely did dishes at home.  I didn't really mind because I didn't really help him with his sheep either, but, here is proof.  He knows how and he does a good job.

I can think of a few more of his food fads, like the fruit drinks, and his favorites, like the hot milk and toast.  I'm sure I missed a few though.  If you had the pleasure or the misfortune (depending on how you want to look at it)  of sharing in one of them leave a comment and refresh my memory.   

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Chapel

This is the new chapel that was recently dedicated in Juazeiro.  
  The Church really uses quality construction methods and material.
 It is so nice. 

The inside is really nice too.  (There is another bank of pews on the left side too, but it wouldn't all fit in the picture.)  This room has air conditioning built right in so it is quiet and effective.  I almost got cold.  Almost.  The bishop's office has air conditioning too, but the classroom's don't.  More about that in a minute.

The choir practicing on Saturday.

Missionaries just chillin' while waiting their turn for an interview with President Batt.  They are a great bunch of young men and you can see they are enjoying the break from the afternoon heat.

Sunday at church, we talked to this young couple with their new baby.  He was so tiny;  about 5 pounds, I think.  I don't figure kilos/grams to pounds and ounces that well without a calculator.

Not the greatest photo, but I wanted you to see the nice basketball/soccer area they have.  The young people gather almost every night and play there.

I don't know about Elvis still being alive, but I do know about John Lennon.  That's him coming around the corner in the aqua blue shirt.  I know it's him because I asked him his name when I sat by him in Sunday School.  I wasn't sure I got it right, but then I saw it written on the roll when they passed it around and "Now I'm a Believer"  (Oh yeah, that was the Monkees. Sorry.)  

Remember I said there was no air conditioning in the classrooms?  Lots of the babies were in diapers only by the end of the meetings.  The little guy in front had had it too. The shirt came off the minute he was out the door.  I wonder if they will be able to talk him into wearing a suit and tie next week.

The location of the new building is convenient.  It's on the bus route and the bus stops right out in front.

Or, you can just all jump on the family motorcycle and "moto" on home.  I hope he doesn't take the corners too fast.

This new building will really be a blessing to the people in this district.  It's good to see progress. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Too Close for Comfort

My next space neighbor in the parking garage just got a new toy. 

I'm happy for him and all, but every time I pull in, I can't help but think about Pee Wee Herman and his Big Adventure.  

Parking is pretty tight anyway, and squeezing a Harley in between my car and his, which is usually parked behind his motorcycle, has upped my parking anxiety level considerably. 

If the unthinkable were to happen and I accidentally nudged it, I don't think he would have to scratch his head very long before he figured out who to blame.  

Pee Wee had some pretty cool dance moves and those unforgettable shoes that smoothed things over, but all I've got is the "Pony" and flip-flops.  

That probably wouldn't cut it.