Friday, July 30, 2010

Hold the Cheese Please

I wonder how many of the weird misconceptions about what Mormons believe get started like this:

Recently a Burger King opened right across the street from the mission office in Fortaleza, Brazil.  The missionaries were quite excited about it and the new Burger King has had a lot of business from nice, clean-cut, young men wearing white shirts and ties and a black name tag.  The president of said missionaries has enjoyed a fair amount of Whoppers in the last couple of months.  (In his defense, it is difficult to resist the aroma of the flame-broiled beef wafting through the window of your office, especially when you can "have it your way.")  

Said president always orders his Whopper "his way"...without cheese.  

Why no cheese?  Because a) he doesn't really like the taste of it,  b) they take 10 centavos off the price, and c) you have to cut calories somewhere. 

The wife of said president doesn't care to have fake cheese on her hamburger either and also orders the Whopper without cheese.  Recently, she ate there with a sister missionary that opted out of the cheese too.  

A few days later one of the managers at Burger King approached the president with a stack of coupon cards that are punched when a sandwich is purchased.  After a certain amount of purchases a "free" sandwich is earned.  When the manager finished explaining the coupon card, he leaned in close, lowered his voice a bit and said, "And you know, we can make all of these sandwiches 'sem queijo' (without cheese)."

The president was amused that the manager thought that members of the church didn't eat cheese.  He shared this story at a stake conference where he talked about how church members should share their beliefs with friends, family, and neighbors and clear up some of the crazy misconceptions that people have about Mormons.

Shortly after, during a baptismal interview, the missionaries asked a man, who had attended said stake conference, if he understood the limitations of the Word of Wisdom.  He answered, "Yes, I know that alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and coffee and tea are off-limits, but what's the deal about cheese?"

So, I don't know if it is one of those misconceptions that is going to get out of hand or if I need to notify Elder Ballard that he might want to consider adding to his "Fact List" from his excellent talk that Mormons do, indeed, eat cheese.  All I know is that when Rebecca and I went to Burger King the other day the girl took our order and then said, "Now that's without cheese, right?"


Lucy said...

Now that is funny! One of you guys have got to expain....
or throw them off someday and just order "cheese". What is that stuff anyway?

Cassie said...

This is funny. (And really made me want a burger.)

Well, as far as I know, that "cheese" is oil, starch, and whey. So, you're right. It is totally fake.

I only know this because we had a cheese tasting night at mutual one night and we tasted MANY cheeses. We all brought a different cheese and had the history or interesting facts about each cheese.
Sounds kind of dumb, but it really was fun. And yummy too. Cheese and fruit and crackers make a way yummy snack.

Kim-may said...

I am with Cassie. The picture alone makes me want to get a burger.
You should send some missionary in there and make him look all nervous, paranoid, and sweaty and ask for a whopper with extra cheese and asking for it in a low soft voice so that no one else can hear, meanwhile looking over his shoulder til the order comes. I would do it.

Unknown said...

Did they build the Burger King where Bobs used to be?

I think that these misconceptions are always funny and I am sure that any missionary could give you a list of other great ones.

Audrey said...

Haaa! This cracked me up! Very funny. I have never had a whopper in my whole life but it almost makes me wanna order one... minus the cheese!

Becca's Blog said...

This was my first Whopper ever. It actually was quite delicious (but not nutritious) and was really big, and it even had dill pickles on it, which are usually nowhere to be found in Fortaleza. Yum!

Haaaaaa I love though that the employees of Burger King in Fortaleza think that Mormons can't eat cheese. I bet they have little staff meetings to remind everyone "not to make a big deal of it if the Mormons ask for no cheese." Funny!

Be Strong and Courageous said...

This was so fun to read. What a great story! I could just hear Pres. Batt telling it at Stake Conference. I really miss you guys! I'm glad you take the time to blog once in awhile so we know you are alive and well. It's great to catch up with Becca once in awhile since she seems to see you quite often! World Traveler that she is. Vaughn and I attended WoodBadge the last couple of weekends. Renae Hampton has now officially caught up with the Cooks and was a "Course Director". It was actually an amazing program, even if it was directed at scouting. Some wonderful leadership info. Anyway there was a man in Vaughn's patrol that we got the opportunity to get to know who served as a mission president from 2003-2006 in California. I asked him a million questions and was fascinated with all his answers. It made me think of the wonderful but very hard experience you are going through and made me miss you both too. Here's hoping that all your missionaries are behaving themselves and keeping their problems and injuries to a minimum. We'll keep praying for you here at the Quinn home! Much love Vaughn and Cindy

Jennifer said...

I am a no cheese on burgers girl too. I guess that makes me a really religious person like you all. Great story. Thanks for the laugh.

Jenkins Family said...

That is so funny. I love reading your blog. Glad to see you are doing well.