Friday, January 21, 2011

You Know It's Time to Buy a New Sand Turtle When...

Your old one can't even hold his head up, his shell is dusty and faded and he loses sand every time you move him.  

I've been on the lookout for a replacement and Lady Luck was with me today.  

I know, I know.  I swore I wouldn't by stuff off the street again after this sad incident, but today when I stopped at a stoplight, I looked over and saw a row of fabric sand turtles looking back at me.  Their glued-on sequin eyes caught my eyes.  It was meant to be.

Luckily I had some cash with me and I purchased 4 of these beauties on the spot.  The transaction was swift and nobody even honked at me.  (That was really lucky.)

I promise I haven't lost touch with my Mini Bazaar senses.  I know these are not cute or fashionable for the home, but they are very functional.  We always have the windows and sliding door open so we can get a little breeze through the apartment.  When the breeze catches the bedroom doors just right, they SLAM shut with an amazing force.  Remember this other sad incident?

Anyway, to prevent the doors from slamming or from having to use canned goods as door stops, I bought 4 little sand turtle buddies today and I'm pretty excited about my purchases. 

 Door stop turtles rock! 
(That's especially for you, Becca, since you are the one that thought the cans of peaches and pumpkin as door stops were a little tacky and weird.) 

P. S.  
I just noticed the my new turtle has lost his sequin eye.  I'll have to see if I can find it, and in case you are wondering, yes, that is a fabric yo-yo on the top on its head for a hat.  I guess the little fella has style after all.

Another P. S.  
These little guys are a little too heavy to be packing home on a plane, so you can all relax.  I won't be bringing you any for souvenirs or gifts.

One More P. S. 
 Maybe I should have titled this post "You Know You've Been Away from Mini Bazaar Too Long When You Buy A Turtle Door Stop." 

 That's kind of a long title though.


Becca's Blog said...

Excellent purchase Mildred!

Cans of fruit as door stoppers is trashy and weird. I'm glad you fixed the problem before I visit again.

Lucy said...

sure hope you find that eye. I don't think we've ever had anyone ask if they could make sand turtles to sell at Mini. The draft dodgers may be a close 2nd, though.

Mardi said...

maybe i should sell my crafts in brazil. if sand turtles can sell - i KNOW my stuff would sell! haha. but you are right - functionality is key.

Corrine said...

ha ha, this post cracked me up! We have the same door issue here, we've got a cute sand bag though. It's fabric, square with a handle at the top kinda like this:

We also have this guy:

On the other hand, you could just put a cover over the peaches, like those fancy toilet paper covers you could make as part of personal progress way back when. ;)

Cassie said...

This is a new way of window shopping that I think I could really get into.

Battfam said...

Corrine, why oh why didn't I think of making a cover for the can of peaches like you suggested?
Though, for the record, I never had or made fancy toilet paper covers. Let's face it; toilet paper is toilet paper.
I am a little jealous of your doorstop if it is as cute as the ones you left the web address for.

Audrey said...

First of all I love that you said "Door stop Turtles rock!" in honor of Becca. I totally remember the Mary Kay story... Mary Kay Rocks!
Also, I just played a little catch up on my blog reading... Can't believe that you guys are on your homestretch!
Love that the Brazilians take their Christmas tree's seriously!! Some cool creations they have there!
Also, I have those same stockings you have and I am sure glad you got Uncle Alans back. I would have given you Lane's. He complains nothing ever makes it in there anyways.

Emily Katlyn West said...

Soooo..... I hope this isn't super weird, but I've been stalking your blog because I received my call to the Brazil Fortaleza mission in November and I'm leaving for the MTC in about 7 weeks and as I've been preparing, I've been looking any and everywhere for insights on life there.

So, one day I decided to google you and Pres. Batt and well long story longer I found your blog! I realize this makes me kind of a creeper but if it's any consolation I adore your posts they are super funny and I really hope I get to meet you even if it's for a short time!

Any who, thanks for giving me a small peak into what I can expect if and when I get there (fingers crossed the visa goes through!)

Take Care,

Future Irma West