A few weeks ago we read the blogs about the Eastern Idaho State Fair..... about the great time everyone, except Becca, had. It was a little tough on Alan. He has always loved the fair. He doesn't do the rides or games, but since I have known him, he has never missed the animal exhibit except when he was on his mission. Well, on a recent trip to the "interior" of our mission, he took the camera along to show you all the animals you can encounter without even leaving the road. First, of course, is a sheep. You have to look pretty close to recognize that it actually is a sheep, but Alan says it was and he ought to know a sheep when he sees one.

Now, that's a mama sow if I've ever seen one. We thought it was ironic that he caught it strolling along the road right by a sign that almost spelled PIG.

Even with all the variety of foods at the fair, I'll bet you couldn't get fresh dove meat like this guy was offering along the side of the road.

One of the many groups of goats meandering down the side of the road. There never seems to be anyone tending them either. Alan always says, "Who owns these stinkin' goats?"

The elders are always complaining about not being able to drive here. Alan offered them this alternative. I think Elder McConkie's legs would be dragging. All the horses we have seen here seem quite small.

I doubt this burro would win any ribbons either. They are unattended usually too. They just stand in the road, never moving as cars go by. It may not really be like the fair, but driving in the interior is always an adventure.
I'm glad that you and dad are finding replacements for the fair animals. And, just so you know...Lee and Ty said that the fair wasn't as fun without dad. And that although the animal pens normally would have taken them hours to go through that they breezed through in hardly any time without dad there to talk to EVERYONE he knew (and those he didn't as well).
We'll be waiting for Labor Day 2011 to go to the fair all together...and I promise that I won't sleep in so I can go too.
that was the best 'stinkin' blog ever. i really hope i didnt make alan feel bad. but the skinned dove picture makes me think he is ok.
I didn't go to any fairs either. so I've been living vicariously through everybody's blogs about fairs as well. but now, after seeing yours, I think I am satisfied and I might could survive another year.
(ummmm, I think I HATE skinned doves. guuuhh.)
Foreign animals even look foreign. Who would have thought? I'm glad he found some animal replacements, though, and it's probably the social aspect of the fair that he missed. He'll be back, I'm sure, though. 2011 here you come!
I loved this post. We have tons of doves around here that really really bug me so I really enjoyed seeing some skinned ones.
I am kinda gagging over the fresh dove kill! Please tell me you didn't purchase that sucker and take it home to broil up for dinner?!
I think your animal exhibit seems much cooler than the ones that we have around here!
Hope you stopped by a burger joint after so he could have his usual famous burger I have heard about! (well not THE burger but A burger) Do they have burger joints there in Brazil??
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