Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is it Just Me?

Is it just me or does anybody else have a hard time remembering the last pan of cookies when you are baking a batch? This picture doesn't really show it too well, but my last batch, the ones on the right, are definitely good for dunking only. They are crisp, dry, sad cookies. I must have adult A.D.D. or something, because I can't tell you how many times I have done this. I've done worse, much worse, but I really needed these last cookies today to make just the right amount for a Zone Conference. UGGHHH! So do I make a whole new batch or just make the assistants have the "well done" cookies? I have enough to give them two actually, but I'm not sure if two borderline burned cookies are better than no cookie at all.


hmmm said...

i say just strategically place the well done cookies in the middle of the perfect ones.
sometimes peeps don't really realize what they're grabbing at.

Becca's Blog said...

In my opinion a well done cookie is WAY worse than having no cookie at all. I like mine borderline doughy. BUT, remember, these are Elders and will eat anything. Remember the Elders that ate those brownies that Sister made that had no sugar and twice the oil or whatever? Yeah, I wouldn't worry about your slightly burned cookies.

Nancy said...

I usually burn the last batch of cookies. I don't think it is ADD, I just think I am done baking when that last batch goes in the oven. The worst part about yours is that you actually need to serve them. That is another problem I encounter. Nothing turns out really well when I have to take it to someone else. What can I say?

Becky said...

Knowing how some missionaries cook and eat, I bet they would love ANYTHING home cooked/baked!! I actually would prefer the crunchy ones to doughy/soft ones... I know I'm a weirdo!!

Lucy said...

For sure serve them. You can make more if you have time, though. They will eat ANYTHING you bring....I get that feeling anyway from what I hear from you and Jenny. Hungry little fellas.
Bobbi has some "feeding the missionary" stories that are pretty unbelievable.

Curtis and Crystal said...

I think they are fine. No one cares and is just grateful they get something homemade. I hope all is well in Brazil. Oh by the way we are going private so if you want to leave me your e-mail address I'll add you to our blog.

Anonymous said...

Sorry MOM. Remember that fried egg you made once?

Battfam said...

Yes, Lee, I do remember the egg. That is why I admitted to doing much worse than the cookies I overbaked the other day. I thought someone might mention that egg.

Myrnie said...

I hate it when that happens! You go to all the work and you want every one of them to be good! I like the idea of just placing them in the middle of the rest. (They look good to me)