Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

I thought I would post a few pictures for Easter, not that it really feels like Easter, but just to prove that at least I know what time of year it is. 

I didn't bring hardly any seasonal decorations with me, but this little bunny did make it in the pile of stuff we brought and I have been glad to have him here.  Lucy sent me the pastel eggs last year after Easter and I was lucky enough to remember where I put them so I could use them this year.  It is my one little spot of Easter and pastel colors.

This is a display of the Easter candy eggs they sell here.  Every store has a TON of them.  It was hard to show in the picture, but they hang them from wire frames and it creates sort of a Easter egg tunnel.  I think they display them this way because just like real eggs, they are a little fragile.  Inside the packaging is a large hollow chocolate egg with wrapped candies inside.

Another shot that doesn't really show what it is like very well.

This place even had columns of them. You can see that Easter is not about pastels here.  I don't even know if pastel colors would look good in this country.


This was as "Eastery" as it got for us; a few deviled eggs.  Before I die, I want to make deviled eggs and use a pastry tube to pipe the filling in so they look really nice, but that wasn't to be this year.  I didn't even have any paprika to sprinkle on the top like Mom always did, but I did have real dill pickles to put in them. (Thanks, Becca) 

Alan ate 7. I ate 3.  I didn't know we would still count who ate how many of things when we were empty nesters.  I thought it was just the kids doing that all those years, but I guess not.  Nobody ate the parsley, but Alan did notice and mention it.  I didn't know he knew the word, garnish. 

Here's Alan burnin it off.  That's what he gets for eating 7.


Becca's Blog said...

Wow. Dad is moving so fast he's just one big blur. Good thing. We wouldn't want your blog readers to see his exercise clothes. That would be embarrasing.

Becca's Blog said...

Oops...but not as embarrassing as misspelling embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you Mom, but I did make deviled eggs using an icing bag thing today. Sorry. I didn't put pickles in them though. Dangedit.

Anonymous said...

Quote: "Alan ate 7. I ate 3. I didn't know we would still count who ate how many of things when we were empty nesters." Apparently someone got to them before you took the picture because I only count 9. Happy Easter.

Battfam said...

Lee, I'm jealous and impressed.

Anonymous, I am impressed with your observation skills. I ate the missing egg, but by using your math skills, you will see that I did own up to it and included it in the count. I heard once that odds are more pleasing to the eye than evens so I did it only for the composition of the picture; not because I am sort of a pig.

Lucy said...

I just enjoyed the post. Your Easter display looks darling to me. I hate to admit that I don't remember ever making deviled eggs. Grace does, though. We had a very enjoyable Easter. (p.s. I didn't know that you needed an odd number of items in a picture to make it pleasing to the eye. I've got to go through my pictures now)

Cassie said...

Fun post & now I want some eggs.
Happy Easter.