Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Eyebrows Have Had It

This morning it took me 15 minutes to get my eyebrows to look even close to a matched pair. This whole eyebrow thing is a mess. I spent the first 38 of my "doing makeup" years plucking and now I'm drawing eyebrows back in. The really tough part for me is getting the two to look the same. It's just like when I used to try to draw a Christmas (pine) tree in elementary school. I would draw an awesome right side of the tree. The branches sloped out evenly with just the right angles. Then I would try to draw the left side. Not even close to the same angles or slope. It looked weird so I would erase it and try again and again until I wore a hole in my paper. I used to wonder why some older ladies had such a surprised or "Bozo the Clown" look with their eyebrows. Now I know. They didn't really intend that look or like it. They just finally got a matched set and decided to go with it.


Becca's Blog said...

Get some eyebrow stencils or get that permanent makeup stuff. I don´t need my mom looking like an old lady with bad eyebrows. Yikes! Oh yeah, and you might want to get your little eyebrow problem straightened out before you move to Brazil... you don´t need those suckers sliding right off your face in the humidity!

Becky said...

I vote you get them tatooed on!! You'll never have that problem again!! Good luck!!

Battfam said...

Thanks for your suggestions. I bought some stuff at Walgreens the other day that should help. I actually have quite a few eyebrows left. They are just a little patchy. Now that I have a product designed for eyebrows and I'm not trying to fix them up with mascara and an old eyeliner I think it will be okay. I was just having a bad makeup day. I'm over it now.

Audrey said...

I totally remember feeling the same way about Christmas trees!
So I guess this could mean in 3 years you could possibly come back with a semi grey pony tail down the middle of your back and a few stray eyebrows? JK!
I have never noticed your eyebrows and think you are beautiful! BUT if you are interested in some tattoo'd eyebrows than I have a few peeps I would recommend!

Bobbi said...

I am saving my birthday money to get my eyebrows tatooed on! Mine are blonde,so I kind of look albinoish. If you would like a pal to go to the tatoo me after April 29th!

Battfam said...

The words, "tatoo parlor", scare me. I'm probably an unlikely candidate since I haven't ever even dared get my ears pierced. Speaking of tatoo parlors, have you noticed that Diane Hendrickson's flower shop is now a tatoo parlor? What's up with that?

Scott & Cassie said...

I worked with a gal who had hers tatooed on. You will look kind of freaky for the first couple of weeks while they heal and the color fades, and then they look good. Just a warning...