Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Okay, okay, I'll post something

I've been shamed into posting something on my blog. Becca gave me the "It's high time you posted something" lecture in an email today, so here is this gorgeous picture of me sporting my brand new "MOO-MOO" as Alan calls it. I'm holding a bottle of A & W, two packages of Girl Scout Cookies and a fly swatter that I look like I just got hid in the head with. All these things and a lot more were in the last shipment of goods we received just last week. It was great! (A shout out to Lucy Dahl for the use of her old burgundy suitcases she was going to take to DI. They have been to Brazil twice, loaded full of great stuff, since she gave them to the cause.)
I think the moo-moo is great even though Alan pretty much hates it. I know it is not the most stylish or flattering, but it is cool and that is what counts. Becca picked it up at Wal-Mart for me in case anyone is wondering where you can get one. She said they have plenty left.
We used one bottle of root beer for our FHE treat this week and made delicious root beer floats. We're saving this one for later. You have to ration these things, you know.
Russell sent us enough Girl Scout cookies that we have even shared a few. I don't know how many cases he bought this year, but we were glad he did his part to support the Girl Scouts of America again and share with us.
The fly swatter is great too. I've used it every day since we got it and many flies have rubbed their legs together for the last time. They probably have fly swatters here, but I had looked in 4 or 5 stores and couldn't find one so I just put it on "the list."
So thanks for the stuff. We're pretty well stocked again except for peanut butter M & M's. I had requested the Easter egg shaped ones because I swear, they are better than the normal ones. They were everything I remembered them to be. I was rationing them to myself, 1/4 cup a day. That was the serving size listed on the package. (I thought it was a little measly, but since I was rationing, decided to go with it.) There should have been 7 servings, but I don't know if the information was wrong, or if I got a package that was shorted, or if they meant there would be seven 1/4 cup servings if you didn't sneak in the package and eat a couple extra 2 or 3 times a day. All I know is they are gone.


Becca's Blog said...

BOTH bags of M&M's are gone? Or did the Brazilian customs guys steal one of the bags?

The MOO, MOO doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. Seriously. And it is better than the alternative...just your undies.

And don't get mad because I told you that you needed to post... you're the one who told me that if you don't at least post every 2 or 3 weeks you should be SHAMED to even call yourself a blogger.

Becca's Blog said... look more scared than excited about getting "the shipment." I can't figure that one out.

hmmm said...

glad to see that you two are alive and kickin it over there in Brazilia! and i'm really glad some peeps are showing you the love with the care packages.


i think moo-moo's are very practical and sort of enjoy myself a good moo-moo on a hot day. (jason HATES them. funny how these fellas are so passionate about the moo-moo's. aww well.)

(and i am SO with you on the egg shaped peanut butter m&m's. much tastier. much tastier.)

Kim and Rol said...

I LOVE THE MOO MOO! I'm going to Walmart tonight to get myself one!

Battfam said...

Becca, just for the record, we gave one of the bags of M & M's to one of the office missionaries, so that did leave us just one. That's okay though. They were great while they lasted.

Lucy said...

Nice moo-moo. We have a cute little customer that wears them in to the store quite often. She can pull it off with her blond bombshell hair color and her sparkly green eye shadow, though. You're almost there!

Cassie said...

I guess it is a guy thing with Moo Moo's. I have had the same one for years just because Layne hates it. But on hot & humid summer days there is NOTHING better....

Can I pretty much make a post right here in your comments??? Thanks...

Layne hates my moo moo so bad and one day I was having a yard sale and I went outside and it was hanging right in the front with a sign that said, "Will pay you $5.00 to take this." So when I saw that I put the thing right on and wore it all weekend long. From then on I've found it in many places and it has become a game. For example: between towels in the closet, in the freezer(under meat),under other clothes in drawers. You get the idea.

I will forever keep the moo moo.

Audrey said...

Crap, I better be careful or I will be SHAMED to call myself a blogger... I have been hit and miss the last few months.. I will try to do better myself Becca.
Also, I agree about the egg shaped m&m's. I like the extra peanut butter you get.
I was also wondering about your hair... did the apointment go well and did they do what you were hoping?
You do look mighty nice in your moo moo. I am thinking I might get me one to help me through the "after baby" stage.