Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Visitors in Fortaleza

This past weekend Elder and Sister Holland, Bishop and Sister Edgley, and Pres. and Sister Godoy from our area presidency came to Fortaleza for a couple of days. They are traveling to a few places in northeastern Brazil checking on things, giving trainings, going to stake conferences, etc.  We didn't plan to ask for a picture with Elder and Sister Holland.  (We were trying to not be buggy.)  But when we were at the temple site with the group, Sister Edgley got out her camera and it seemed to be okay, so we were able to get this one.  I feel bad that we didn't get one with Bishop and Sister Edgley and the Godoys.  They were all so gracious and tried to make us feel comfortable.  They almost succeeded. 


It is hard to see everyone, but this is a picture of ALL of the missionaries serving here right now.  The missionaries were all in place, so when we arrived at the chapel with the general authorities, we just walked in and sat down. Pictures were snapped, the missionaries filed by to shake hands with Elder Holland and the others, they went to their seats, and a 3 hour meeting began.  It was a great experience.  I think the missionaries will always remember it.  I know I will. 


Becca's Blog said...

Sometimes it pays to be a Sister missionary...front and center.

And, I always imagined that Elder Holland was taller but dad is quite a bit taller...or else he's standing on a rock.

Lucy said...

Very awesome!

Myrnie said...

How very cool....and scary! I'm sure you handled it all very graciously.

Cassie said...

How fun and what a great group picture.