Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Too Close for Comfort

My next space neighbor in the parking garage just got a new toy. 

I'm happy for him and all, but every time I pull in, I can't help but think about Pee Wee Herman and his Big Adventure.  

Parking is pretty tight anyway, and squeezing a Harley in between my car and his, which is usually parked behind his motorcycle, has upped my parking anxiety level considerably. 

If the unthinkable were to happen and I accidentally nudged it, I don't think he would have to scratch his head very long before he figured out who to blame.  

Pee Wee had some pretty cool dance moves and those unforgettable shoes that smoothed things over, but all I've got is the "Pony" and flip-flops.  

That probably wouldn't cut it.


Lucy said...

If that bike gets tipped over, it may even hit another car. Do you have access to a bicycle?

Becca's Blog said...

Haaaaaaaaaa just be careful, you wouldn't want to have to pull out your dance moves. Good luck!...maybe dad will trade you parking spots.