Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Day at the Beach

We had to go to the beach, praia, while Rebecca was here. There are lots of great beaches in the area. We drove to Beach Park, which is sort of like Seven Peaks, but on a beautiful beach. They have way less slides, but it looked like a pretty fun place.
This is some of the scenery on the way there. It really is just outside of town and only took about 15 minutes to get to.

We found out when we got there that Beach Park was closed for maintenance. So we had the beach pretty much to ourselves. Yeah!! We hadn't planned to do the slides and stuff anyway.

This fun girl from the ward here went with us. We love her for a lot of I said, she is fun, she speaks English, and her name is......Kimberly!
The sky was beautiful, the breeze and the temperature perfect for a relaxing day at the beach.

This was the only picture Rebecca got of me at the beach that I will post. Believe me, it's for your sake as well as mine.


Lucy said...

Nice toes! I recently took a picture of my toes, but it was to shoe my blisters from wearing church shoes with no socks while unloading a pallet of freight before we went to the temple. Ouch!
Anyway, the beach looks so beautiful. Just knowing that it is right there close to where you live would be pretty special! Enjoy....... you sunbathing freak! hehe

Becca's Blog said... put that ugly picture of me on your post and didn't even put any sort of disclaimer like the fact that I had just put sunscreen on and that's why my face was all greasy and gross. Don't worry, I'll get you back. :)

Cassie said...

The beach looked so pretty. What a fun time with Becca! I like your color of polish.

Myrnie said...

There's something mesmerizing about the beach! I could watch the waves come in all day. Is the weather there going to be nice and warm all year round? And do they ever get hurricanes?

Battfam said...

About the weather, this is what I've heard so far. The temperature stays about the same year round, 75-85, but it is a little warmer in Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. They also have a rainy season in Jan. Feb. and maybe Mar. It isn't an area that gets hurricanes, thank goodness. It has been quite breezy the last week or so, but not terrible. Overall, it is a pretty nice place to be.

Kim-may said...

i like your toenail polish :)

Becky said...

I'm in love with that beach... it is BEAUTIFUL!! I'm glad you guys are having so much fun!!