Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sleepless in Fortaleza

It is the first night here that I really haven't been able to get to sleep. It was bound to happen. It happened every so often at home. I would usually just get up and catch up on the ironing or something useful, but kind of quiet. There are some useful things I could do here tonight like write a talk I have to give Sunday, but I just can't force myself to do it. So I thought I would blog.

Is blog a even a verb? I never used to think about verbs, past tense, or conjugations. In fact, I don't think I'd ever heard about conjugations until trying to learn this language. I pretty much stink at it so far. When I talk to the North American missionaries I usually ask, "Would you like to speak in English or would you like me to torture you with my Portuguese?" I know there are more difficult languages to learn, but let me just try to explain to you why I sometimes get a little overwhelmed and confused. Let's say that blog is a verb. In Portuguese it would probably be "blogar" which would mean "to blog". The conjugation chart would look something like this:
Eu blogo = I blog
Voce bloga = You blog, he blogs, she blogs
Nos blogamos = We blog
Eles blogao = they blog
Really, why do you need all the different ways to say blog? or run? or eat? or anything?? But since at least 50% of the missionaries here are Brazilian and because I really would like to learn this language, I have to keep working on it.
Here are the top 5 reasons I need to learn Portuguese:
5. So I don't have to have the duuuuhhhh expression on my face for 3 years.
4. So I don't have 4 cars waiting behind me while I am trying to figure out how to get a validation ticket out of a parking lot entrance meter. By the way, why would you need to have a validation for a parking lot at a grocery store and why wouldn't it just come out automatically?
3. So 3 hours at church doesn't seem so very long.
2. So when I'm at a hotel and all the little tubes of toiletries look the same, I don't use lotion for conditioner.
1. So when I ask to see a menu at a restaurant they don't show me where the bathroom is.
Really though, the number 1 reason I need to learn Portuguese is so I can get to know these great Brazilian members and missionaries.
Tchau! for now..


Becca's Blog said...

You're doing just fine MOM. You just need to be willing to go into the depths of stupidness, by that I mean allow yourself to sound stupid so that you can learn, and you'll do great.

But make sure too that they hear you speak a little English maybe even sort of fast speaking English just so they realize that you are fluent in at least a language and won't think that you are actually stupid. That's what I do.

Battfam said...

Thanks for your suggestion, Becca, but I think I have already made a fool of myself numerous times. I will try the fast English though. That was good thinking.

Lucy said...

You deserve an "A+" for just making an honest effort for sure. I'll bet you're better at it than you think.
(p.s. I'll bet church would be a long 3 hours in a foreing language!)

Myrnie said...

I can't even imagine going back into the "study" mode and trying to learn a new language. My hat is off to you! Just remember, we're all pulling for you here.