Monday, July 21, 2008

Nosso Apartamento ( Our apartment, I think)

This isn't our apartment building. Sorry for the misleading title. It is another picture I took from Alan's office that I thought was a little better than the one below. Fortaleza had a few more high rises than I expected.
I took this picture from the window in the mission office. Our apartment is probably in the picture somewhere , but I couldn't tell you where. The building we live in is only 10 stories high, so it is would be pretty tough to see.This picture was taken at night and it's a little tough to tell what it is. Sorry. It is a big window thing in the laundry room. The reason I call it a window thing is that there is no glass in it, just these slat type things. We are amazed that birds or bats or bugs don't fly right in, but they don't. Knock on wood!
The laundry room is nice and big. The water heater that leaked all over the second night we were there is located in the opposite corner. It didn't turn into that big of a disaster because they have tile floors and they have a drain in the floor in this room too. I just pushed it all over to the drain and washed the floor at the same time.

This is the bathroom off our bedroom. You can't see the shower/tub. It is nice, but the way it is arranged I think it would be beast to clean, so we use another shower most of the time. I'm lazy, I know, but mildew grows pretty fast here and I just didn't want to fight it. This is our bedroom. We thought we would have a hard time without our king size, but it hasn't been bad at all. The mattress is comfy and the pillows are great. All the bedding was new, so that was nice.
This is the living room. It is nice. The decorations aren't exactly what I would choose, but it is starting to feel like home. I had to put a few of the flower arrangements in a closet. There were just too many. I left out the most normal ones, at least in my opinion. There is a ton of lovely closet space and storage in this apartment. It's almost a shame because we don't have anything to put in it and I doubt the 4 boxes of stuff we had shipped is going to take up much room. By the way, had I known that quite a few of the items they listed that were supposed to be in the apartment weren't really here, I would have sent more stuff. Take measuring cups, for instance. They were on the list, but not here. Let's just say I've had a few cooking adventures. Alan might call them disasters, but I'm going with adventures.
Dad is checking out the refrigerator. They left us some basics which was nice. We still haven't really got it stocked though. It is hard to figure out what to buy. I don't know what a lot of the stuff in the store really is and a lot of things I'm accustomed to cooking with they don't have. We have been surprised at the cost of things. We thought food would be less expensive than it is.

I made a bouquet out of the beautiful roses they gave us when we arrived. It lasted about 5 days and then I had to throw it out, but we enjoyed it. There were two sets of candlesticks in the house, but no candles. Looking at this picture reminds me I was going to try to find some to buy. Too bad Mini Bazaar isn't a little closer.


Becky said...

It's great to see where you guys are living. The city looks huge!! Have you had any troubles getting around?! How is the climate right now? Sorry for the 20 questions... I'm just a little curious!!

Lucy said...

I'm so glad to see these pictures. I truly planned on emailing to see if you had access to camara, etc. so we could see. The place looks very nice. I cannot even imagine going to a grocery store and not finding the things that we are used to cooking with. I guess you get adventuresome or find someone that knows what to buy. Wow.
The comfy bed was reassuring, too. Yea for that.
Maybe on some of your excursions you'll end up with a few treasures that will be fun to decorate with. Kind of exciting!
Keep up the good work.

Battfam said...

About the climate...It is hot, but we are spoiled and have air conditioning at the home and the office and most of the church chapels. It is a little noisy sometimes, but nice anyway. About your question, "Have you had any trouble getting around?" The answer is yes, but that is a whole other blog in itself.

Becca's Blog said...

Thanks for sharing the pics. I'm glad I'll be sleeping in style when I'm in Brazil because I have had enough of roughing it here with the frogs.

And as far as cleaning the shower goes...don't you have a maid? If not you should get one...I hear they are great.

Bobbi said...

It is fun to see the pictures of how you two are living. Everything looked so nice and clean.

Kim-may said...

its so fun to see where you actually live. it doesnt look as bad as i thought, minus all the fake flowers you had to put away. that makes me laugh. hope you guys are doing well. you should write a post soon as to what food adventures you had

Anonymous said...

Lucy got me on to your blog. What a big city. No wonder you get lost sometimes.
Love Mom

Myrnie said...

I loved seeing where you live. It's so good that the mission presidents always have a nice place to live. I found myself looking at the living room and saying, "Where's the TV?" :-) Great post!

kiddle97 said...

Hi Millie!
I snuck over here from Becca's blog because I was curious about how things were going in Brazil, and found myself thoroughly enjoying everything you had to say! Those pictures of you and Bishop Batt -- he's still Bishop Batt to me -- where you said you both looked stoned, just had me laughing so hard. My husband served in Brazil (Joao Pessoa, or something like that. He said it was a new mission created by taking part of the Fortaleza mission, back in '98) and he keeps saying how he wants to take me there. But then I look at Becca's blog with the frog problem and the bug problem, and then I come to your blog and see the bug problem... and I just think, oh yea! What an adventure! Ha ha! (I say as I laugh a high-pitched, crazy-sounding laugh!) It was exciting to read the July Ensign and see under the new mission presidents section two men I know (your husband and also Robert Jensen of the Columbus, Ohio mission; did you get a chance to meet him, by any chance? I obviously have no clue about how things work when you become a mission president, but anyway). Well, this has taken up way more than I intended so I will leave this now. Good luck with everything!
Kirsten (Wall) Slama

Audrey said...

Your place looks BIG! I agree with everyone else, much nicer than I was expecting! Although, bet it would be nice to have Denise replace some of those plastic floral arangements with some of her floral peices!
Also, I haven't seen a post about a HORRIBLE haircut and color so I am assuming it went Ok?? If not then go on over to Cassie's will help ya feel better!

Audrey said...

I forgot to say that is a big city!! My heart starts pumping when I see big cities like that, with excitement! How did I end up here?? Well, now that I got my dream house, I am not moving! Thank Uncle Alan for us again... we are LOVING it!

Kate said...

Your apartment looks nice. It looks big enough for when I tag along with Becca on a trip to visit you...