Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What the Beep?!

So far one of the biggest challenges for us has been to know what is beeping.? When we arrived one of the first things the previous president and his wife did was give us their cell phones. Let's just say they definitely seemed anxious for the hand-off. Alan got two, I got one. It wasn't long before they were ringing. Missionaries had a lot of questions for the new president and a few for me about health issues, which by the way, I know nothing about but have been trying to bluff my way through. The real problem was when we came to our apartment. There were two more phones there, a buzzer for the front and the back door, a sound from a clock on the hour and half hour, and buzzer on the dryer. Every time we heard a beep we started running around checking everything to figure out where the sound was coming from and what we should do about it. About the time we would figure it out, it would quit beeping. To add to the confusion the words on the cell phones are all in Portuguese and when you are electronically impaired anyway, that does not help AT ALL. Let's just say we missed more than a few calls.
Things are a little better this week. I don't know if they were just trying to initiate us or if word has gotten around that we don't know what we're doing and they might as well not waste their time calling. On to WEEK 2!!


Becca's Blog said...

Yeah I bet all the zone leaders put everybody up to initiating you. Oh well, it looks like you made it through your initiation. Congratulations.

Kim-may said...

yeah...its like a big prank. wow.

Cassie said...

Layne and I both got a good laugh off of this post. "Sounds" like fun at your apartment. Sorry, couldn't stop myself on that awful pun. Glad you are doing well.

LD said...

Why does Uncle Alan get two cell phones? Does he carry on two conversations at one time, one in English and one in Portuguese to keep them straight? MP's must be really talented!
My family is enjoying reading about your adventures.
Drive safely.

Myrnie said...

Glad to see you made it and you've got a good start on memorable experiences! Even if it is a frustrating beep! I hope you don't mind if I add your blog address to our skidmore family newsletter. We're all very interested and are pulling for you!

Myrnie said...

Glad to see you made it and you're got a good start on your memorable experiences....even it is annoying beeps! Hope you don't mind if I put your blog address in our Skidmore family newsletter. We're all pulling for you!

Bobbi said...

Beep, Beep...sorry, but if I knew your number, I would call you! Good Luck to you both and by the way, did you plant any beets in me and Kim's garden?? hehe

Audrey said...

What the BEEP is right! I bet that is so annoying trying to figure all that stuff out!
You may have forgot to add another beep to this post though... the BEEP BEEP (or honk honk) you are getting from the other cars while trying to figure out the driving situation there!
Actually sounds like a FUN adventure to me!