Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's War!

Lately I've been losing the battle against mildew during this rainy season. This pair of shoes is the latest victim. The light parts on these shoes are actually black. They are just covered with powdery light bluish /whitish mildew and yes, they stink.

Every few days when I walk in our closet I sniff out something else that reeks. Having never dealt with high humidity and mold before, I was caught unaware, but I'm fighting it now. I've been inspecting everything in the closet, even giving things the "sniff test." Gag!

The mofo, Portuguese for mildew, seems to strike rather randomly. An unaffected piece of clothing will be hanging right between two smelly ones. Shoes and leather belts are favorite targets for the mildew too.

I've washed clothes and taken clothes to the cleaner. I've tried fans, used lots of laundry soap and perfumed softener, and put things out in the sun (if it stays out long enough.)

Today Alan came home with some humidity absorbing packets, and I brought out the biggest gun I could think of....bleach. I'm wiping down every surface I possibly can. I only got through half the closet before I gave out today. There are a lot of shelves in there and when you do tops and bottoms and all the sides of drawers you can work up a sweat pretty fast.

But I will get back to it tomorrow. I have declared war and I plan to win.

P. S. If anybody has dealt with this enemy before and has any suggestions, I will gladly hear them. I need all the help I can get.


Lucy said...

We had mold in that basement house we lived in. I never felt like I beat it though. It's also been 36 years ago, so I'm struggling to remember. I wonder if I just left it there?? Cassie deals with humidity. She may know something good.
I recognize those shoes. They were comfy and you loved 'em.

Cassie said...

uggggggg! One of my biggest enemies! Our best combats have been dehumidifiers, AC, & clorox. Here is a pretty good page.
uggggggg! One of my biggest enemies! Our best combats have been dehumidifiers, AC, & clorox. Here is a pretty good page for some info & ideas. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HE633

Bottom line...NOTHING gets put away dirty or damp in our house.

Myrnie said...

With all the downside there is to living in a desert climate, I'm pretty glad I don't have to deal with humidity. If you can get your hands on some Tilex for mold and mildew, I think it would be worth a try. Then you can just spray the surfaces, without all the scrubbing. Good luck.

Becca's Blog said...

I heard about your mofo problem from Audrey. My deepest condolences.