Monday, June 29, 2009

Poor Little Fella

This picture is so out of focus, it is sad, but maybe not as sad as the story it tells.
This morning Alan says, "Millie, you've got to come here."
What? He hasn't tried talking to me like that since we were first married, 34 years ago, as of last Thursday, and I knew he knew better, but I went anyway.
He points to the door jamb, near the floor, and there I see a very dead, very squished gecko. We literally had to scrape him off. What are the chances that he would be right there when the door was shut? We don't know when it happened, but he was pretty dry, so I'm guessing it was at least a week ago. Poor little fella.
It gives new meaning to "getting yourself in a jam(b)." RIP


hmmm said...

ha! and jason and i thought that the fly that got caught in our shed (storage closet) door jamb while in flight (you can tell by the outline) was pretty funny—but this certainly takes the cake!
that is the perfect outline of a gecko. curly tail and all! dang.

Lucy said...

That makes the big bug I found in the garage today seem like nothing. That thing is big enough to be a pet! Are you used to them yet?? or could you ever be?
(happy 34th)

Cassie said...

That is kind of funny in a sad sort of way.

Audrey said...

That is funny! Lane would say to the poor little fella, "tell your friends!" (that is what he use to say to the hobo's that he would catch and kill at gma's house.

The Cooks said...

Aww, poor little guy....but a good laugh too. Can you say - wrong place at the wrong time ;)

It was good to hear from you ....I like to keep up with what you're up to in Brazil so I visit your blog often (even if I don't comment often) :)

Hope you're doing well!!