Sunday, December 26, 2010

You Put Your Right Foot In

When we took the missionaries to the beach it was the perfect opportunity to take a picture of some of the sisters' feet.  You can tell who has been here for a while and who arrived recently.  If you look closely, you can also tell who has served in Baturite, where the mosquitos seem to be especially aggressive.  

Maybe I should remind the sisters to use sunscreen on their feet.  I don't know that they would though.  Their  tan lines are sort of a badge of honor. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Mystery II

You know how some people have Christmas miracles?  Well, we seem to have Christmas mysteries.

Last year we had Christmas Mystery I when we received a lot of gifts from an unknown giver.  This year our mystery involves an unknown taker.

We have a hall tree just outside our door in the hall of our apartment building.  Each floor of the apartment building only has two apartments and most people put some sort of furniture or mirror or decorations outside their door.

This year I decided to hang our Christmas stockings on the hooks of the hat rack/umbrella stand thing in the entry.  When we left for church yesterday morning it looked like this:

When we got back from church, it looked like this:

I asked Alan, "Hey, what did you do with your stocking?  Did you move it?"  (Up to that point, we hadn't really decided which stocking was his and which was mine, but since the red one was missing, I decided the green one was mine.)

I thought he might have taken the red one and hidden it in one of the drawers in the hall tree or something to tease me, but he said he didn't.  Of course I checked all the drawers anyway and looked around in the hall and elevator.  It wasn't to be found.  When we came back from a fireside last night, it was still missing.

We were bugged.

 Who would have taken it and why? 
 Why take one and not both?  
Who wants an empty Christmas stocking?

We couldn't think who would have taken it because we get along fine with the other people that live on our floor. Well, pretty fine. There has been a little coolness between us since their dog left poodle puddles in front of  both our front and back doors and I told them about it, in a nice way, because I didn't think I should have to clean it up.  I'm not the one with the stupid, yappy, hyperactive pet  fluffy, white, poodle.

So, after my shower this morning, I thought I would go check and see if elves had returned it in the night and sure enough, they had.  We have no idea who took it, where they took it or why they took it.  We only know that now we're back to this:

And we hope it stays that way.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

True, but Sad Story

I bumped in to What Not to Wear on the television the other day and decided to watch it.  I don't know why, but I like that show.  Anyway, as I am watching the part where they secretly film the unsuspecting victim and describe her fashion faux pas what do I see?

My blouse; my sort of special blouse.  The girl with no fashion sense was wearing a blouse just like one I have that I think is kind of special.

I've got to tell you that it hurt quite a bit when they got to the part of the show where they picked it up off that rack of clothes, made a snarky comment about it, and tossed it into that big metal garbage can.


I've been trying not to let it damage my self-esteem, telling myself that it's okay because I am a lot older than the girl on the show and I am wearing especially conservative clothes right now so it's okay for me.  

What do Stacy and Clinton really know anyway?  I personally think that a person can have too many argyle sweaters or vests and maybe someone ought to mention that to Clinton.  (Though Stacy is the one wearing the argyle in the picture above.) And even though that white streak in Stacy's hair is natural and she feels it's part of her identity, it can be a little too Cruella  deVil "ish" at times, don't you think?


While we're talking dogs, I may have a pathetic wardrobe, but at least I don't have a dog that I dress up in ridiculous clothes like the girl on the show did. 

But will never be the same .  I'll never be able to wear that blouse again without feeling extra frumpy.  I'll be looking over my shoulder for a hidden camera or to see if Stacy and Clinton are sneaking up behind me.

I really had no idea about all the insecurities that come with growing older.

It sort of bites.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Follow-Up (but try not to throw up)

I thought I would post a picture of the yams I made for Thanksgiving dinner.  Try not to gag.  As I said in the previous post, I had my doubts about them.  When I opened the can and saw their color, I should have listened to the little voice in my head that was saying, " Don't waste the marshmallows and brown sugar on them," but I didn't.  

Alan suggested that I NOT put them on the dinner table and I thought it was good advice.  I did work up the courage to try a forkful.  I didn't get sick or anything, but there was a definite metallic taste.  It's probably unavoidable after 11 or 12 years in a can.

On a brighter note, I liked the way the pumpkinish thing and apple with candle decoration turned out.  I guess you win some and you lose some.