Sunday, December 12, 2010

True, but Sad Story

I bumped in to What Not to Wear on the television the other day and decided to watch it.  I don't know why, but I like that show.  Anyway, as I am watching the part where they secretly film the unsuspecting victim and describe her fashion faux pas what do I see?

My blouse; my sort of special blouse.  The girl with no fashion sense was wearing a blouse just like one I have that I think is kind of special.

I've got to tell you that it hurt quite a bit when they got to the part of the show where they picked it up off that rack of clothes, made a snarky comment about it, and tossed it into that big metal garbage can.


I've been trying not to let it damage my self-esteem, telling myself that it's okay because I am a lot older than the girl on the show and I am wearing especially conservative clothes right now so it's okay for me.  

What do Stacy and Clinton really know anyway?  I personally think that a person can have too many argyle sweaters or vests and maybe someone ought to mention that to Clinton.  (Though Stacy is the one wearing the argyle in the picture above.) And even though that white streak in Stacy's hair is natural and she feels it's part of her identity, it can be a little too Cruella  deVil "ish" at times, don't you think?


While we're talking dogs, I may have a pathetic wardrobe, but at least I don't have a dog that I dress up in ridiculous clothes like the girl on the show did. 

But will never be the same .  I'll never be able to wear that blouse again without feeling extra frumpy.  I'll be looking over my shoulder for a hidden camera or to see if Stacy and Clinton are sneaking up behind me.

I really had no idea about all the insecurities that come with growing older.

It sort of bites.


Kim-may said...

i also love that show, but i recall one time Clinton had on some sweater with a pink bird on the shoulder. it was a little to G A Y E for me.

Kim-may said...

* GAY *

Lucy said...

I have that show set up on our DVR too. I didn't know why Stacy had the streak in her hair. I really want to see a pic of the blouse, though.

Becca's Blog said...

I think we need to see a picture of this "special blouse" you have. Please tell me it's not one of the ones I bought you!

Battfam said...

I must have missed the pink bird on the shoulder episode. Yikes.
I'm sure I have a picture of me wearing it. If I come across it, I'll send it to you.
You sent it to me, but I bought it online. Remember when I was so desperate for an off-white blouse that I ordered that one from Macy's. It's that one.
The thing is, it shouldn't bug me that much because they just said it was matronly, shapeless and without much style. I think I already knew that. It's just a little hard to hear. At least they didn't say something worse about it. They can be pretty mean you know.

Becca's Blog said...

That's funny that they would bash that blouse. Isn't What Not To Wear sponsored by Macy's?