Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Follow-Up (but try not to throw up)

I thought I would post a picture of the yams I made for Thanksgiving dinner.  Try not to gag.  As I said in the previous post, I had my doubts about them.  When I opened the can and saw their color, I should have listened to the little voice in my head that was saying, " Don't waste the marshmallows and brown sugar on them," but I didn't.  

Alan suggested that I NOT put them on the dinner table and I thought it was good advice.  I did work up the courage to try a forkful.  I didn't get sick or anything, but there was a definite metallic taste.  It's probably unavoidable after 11 or 12 years in a can.

On a brighter note, I liked the way the pumpkinish thing and apple with candle decoration turned out.  I guess you win some and you lose some.   


Becca's Blog said...

I would apologize for sending you the yams but since they came right out of your storage room and you should have given them to the scout's food drive YEARS ago I'm not going to apologize. So, sorry, but I'm not saying sorry.

Besides, why did you buy canned yams in the first place? Can't you buy real yams year round? I'm guessing that dad bought them.

Anyway, they look disgusting. I'm glad you didn't eat more than one bite. And who knows, they might have been disgusting back in '99. Maybe canned yams are just gross.

Lucy said...

Please don't pass the sweet potatoes!

Battfam said...

Yes, Dad bought them. It was probably the same day he bought the canned oysters and the canned hominy and the canned asparagus.